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If you would like to purchase a copy of a Press book, you have come to the right place! Because we pack and dispatch our own books, you can request an autographed copy or special dedication. (Just include your request as a message to seller.)

40 Ways of Looking at Manhattan, published on July 15, 2020. It is now available from Amazon in both hardback and paperback editions. It is packed and shipped by Inquisitive Mind Books.

An Abecedarium of Ornaments is also available from Amazon. There’s a specially reduced price through August 2nd, 2020, to celebrate Christmas in July.
Amazon (packed and shipped by Inquisitive Mind Books).

The first 100 copies of Abecedarium will include a lucky-dip mini-bookmark of an ornament, commemorating publication day.

Mementos of Manhattan now available

Do you fancy Manhattan’s financial district under your mouse or your morning java inside the Chrysler Building? Maybe a handy USB flash drive made distinctive by a grungy, graffiti-tagged Soho doorway? Please visit the Press’s sister-site on Zazzle, or browse by way of the Mementos page.

New 3-D Treasures from the Abecedarium

Many of the ornaments from the Abecedarium of Ornaments are also available on Zazzle. Put one your Christmas card, a cozy pillow, a charm for your wine glass, or even on your own Christmas tree. Check out the Zazzle shop or browse on the Treasures page.

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